Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hi! First things first, for the followers of Uncommon Roots: don't worry! Uncommon Roots has moved to Tumblr. This space will be for my personal blog, which will occasionally talk about genealogy, but will be lots of other stuff too! Uncommon Roots will be all about genealogy, with anything specific to Florida cross-posted to LowCountry Africana.

This blog will cover all the random things that cross my mind. There will be stories from Baku, thoughts on motherhood, random ideas about instructional design and genealogy, natural hair tips and musings about the random hobbies I pick up when I'm between jobs (knitting, spinning yarn, and other DIY).

I'll do my best to tag all my posts and kind of stick to this schedule:

Mon: Appy Monday (app recommendations)
Tues: Whatevs (random stuff)
Wed: Beauty day (hair and makeup stuff)
Thurs: #tbt Genealogy Style (old pictures and documents)
Friday: DIY Friday (insert random hobby here)

Expect Tues, Wed and Fri to be longer posts. Mon and and Thursday will be short posts. In between there might be more; there might be less. Just go with it! :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Appy Monday just may turn Mondays around! :-)